

Isaiah William finally arrived 12/15/17 at 7:31pm. 7lbs 10.8oz and 19 1/4in long. induction was scheduled for 7am. got settled in a room and hooked up in monitors and they saw I was having contractions 2-4 min apart so they just broke my water instead. contraction got more painful so I got my epidural and they put me on pitocin to move tho vs along but Isaiah couldnt handle the contractions I was having and my blood pressure kept dropping so they kept stoping it which made my contractions slow down. finally around 630 the Dr came in and checked me and said we were ready to have the baby. I couldn't feel a thing because of my complications with the epidural (stupid scoliosis) so they had to tell me when to push and honestly didn't feel like i was doing anything. but after an hour Isaiah finally came out! He is perfectly healthy and bf like a champ. I am extremely sore from my epidural. the anesthesiologist was very rough and did not even try to be gentle. and from my waist down it felt like my legs and feet were sleep and I could not move them on my own. but since I am a big baby when it comes to pain I dealt with it.