feeling stressed and overwhelmed

💚 Tydee 💚 • 2 previous MC in May & August of 2016. 1 Rainbow baby Zaylee 💕 & another one on the way 😊

Guys who am i to complain? I’m about to have my baby in less then 7 weeks after two miscarriages but I’m just so stressed out. My baby shower was suppose to be December 9th but Louisiana weather said other wise, it started SNOWING! I had to cancel my baby shower and move it to Jan 13. Our house is being finished built Jan 3 & the closing / move in date is Jan 30 & guess when little one is suppose to arrive? JAN 29 !! 😩😩 everything is just hitting us at once but I’m going to put all my faith in God & know that he will make sure everything fall into place like it’s suppose to 😘 sorry guys just had to vent .. but keep us in your prayers