Due Date Question


At my first appointment 4 weeks ago I had my ultrasound and was told that I was measuring at 9 weeks on the dot and that my due date would be June 21 (by both the U/S Tech and the midwife).

Yesterday I went in thinking I was 13+1 and they told me I was 13+5 and that my due date is June 17). I know it's not a big difference, but what's the deal? This midwife told me that it's based on the first day of my last period, but I thought that was just a rough estimate until the ultrasound could give you a more accurate date??

To be told one thing by one midwife, and another thing by another midwife is confusing and kind of frustrating. I'm suppose to trust 4 midwives, but it's a little difficult to trust that they know what they're doing when I'm being told different things between them. I want an accurate answer/due date because it's just not something to be taken lightly and I don't want to get pushed into induction over 4 days...

Can someone please explain this and either tell me I'm right for being a little irritated or that I'm just being crazy over the whole thing? Thanks!