Not what I expected.

Lindsey-Rae • 29 years old ✌ RJB 10/20/13 ❤ Julien-Dean 11/9/2017 💙

It has taken me a while to post because I have been dealing with the trauma of my birth. But here I am ready to share. I was admitted to the hospital on 11/8 due to severe preeclampsia. They placed me on magnesium to prevent a seizure. I was induced 11/9 at 7 am. After 15 hours, I was not dialating past 8.5cm so the doctor on call decided I needed a c-section. My beautiful boy was born 11/9 @ 10:35pm weighing 8lb13oz and 20.5in. I had a hard time with the recovery. My blood pressure plummeted and remained low and I was being monitored closely. I met my boy finally at 12:00am. My blood pressure returned and I felt better after seeing his beautiful face. They sent me and my husband to our room to rest. About 4 hours later, I woke up to a Post partum hemorrhage. The doctor waisted no time and began doing an emergency d&c; in my bed with no pain meds because I had lost a lot of blood. He couldn't get it all so i went under anesthesia to finish the d&c.; My kidney function then began to fail so I needed a blood transfusion. It was a long road to recovery. But my blessing is here and we are both healthy and happy.

He is my whole heart and my whole world. His father and I tried for 3 long years with <a href="">IVF</a> to concieve him and for some reason, I knew he wasn't going to make it easy for me to meet him! but it was 100% worth it.