My in detail birth story.


So here we go!

I am a first time mom! I found out my baby had sinus arrhythmia when I was around 29 weeks, so from there on I was high risk and had to see my OB every week, and have a ultrasound to watch her heart, so fast forward to the 12th last appointment with my OB before I was to be induced on the 14th, went in blood pressure was high and feet were so swollen he says we're having the baby tomorrow at 5am! So I said okay and went home with my husband and rested and got last minute things ready went to sleep for like 3 hours 5am comes I go to the hospital and register and go to L&D; they get me right to my room and the adventure begins!

The nurse couldn't get my IV in she blew 2 of my veins 😳 they got another nurse she did the other hand and got it in right away so they start my fluids and pitocin and told me my OB would be in between 7/8 am to break my water so he comes in says "wake up" like he always does 🤣 says are you contracting yet? I say no sir so he said oh well we will fix that and breaks my water let me tell you I was only 1.5 CM he had to stretch my cervix and then popped my water with this stick thing and I felt the pop and a gush of warm slimy stuff freaked me out if was like I was peeing but was not coming out the correct area, so he leaves and says I will check on you later so I start getting painful contractions my nurse comes and checks on me every hour due to my baby's heartbeat and ups the pitocin she asks if I was in pain yet I said yes she says do you want some pain meds and then we can talk about a epidural later so they give me Demerol.... made me sick as hell along with the pitocin I was so sedated that I got sick in my sleep and walk over myself and was choking my husband and mom has to hurry and get a nurse to help me get it all out my mouth and nose 😳 TMI I know sorry so a hour goes by they check me only 2 CM but the pain was so bad I was fighting tears I was having contractions toons 2 mins apart and were very strong so the nurse calls my OB and asks if I can get my epidural he says yes so they all the person to do it he got stuck in an emergency surgery and they called someone else he came right away so the whole time they was like you have to be still I'm like I'm trying but I was shaking from the contraction and pain and puked all over the floor from it so finally he gets it in which hurt like hell!!!!!! Then my legs go numb and get heavy so now we fast forward 12 hours only progressed to 3CM and still in hard labor I stayed at 3CM for 6 hours still having strong contractions now 1m apart lasting 1min or longer.. the nurse says I'm going to call your DR so she calls him and comes back and says he's on his way to talk to me so he shows up and checks me and still only 3CM (he showed up a hour later) and says well, you can go 6 more hours and try and dilate or we can do a c-section right now by this point my feet were so swollen you couldn't tell my toes apart from my foot my dr said oh no we're doing it now so they prep me and I go in I felt pressure of him pushing on me and pulling her head and body out and then I heard her cry and started crying my husband was crying all over me then this is when it gets bad I started to feel my doctor stitching my uterus up and stapling me back together and I told the nurse I'm about to pass out the pain was unreal so he sees I'm shaking and having trouble breathing and tears are running down my face so they have to sedate me.. I wake up an hour later and my husband is talking sweet things to our baby feeding her and the nurse was with him the whole time reaching and telling him stuff (we are 26 first baby tho) so when I wake up completely they immediately give her to me for skin to skin and I stayed that way for an hour of her just cuddling on me and cooing and my heart melted! She was 8 pounds 1 oz 21 inches long and has the most adorable cry ever! She was born dec 13th at 18:56PM I am 3 days postpartum I'm on heavy pain meds due to the pain being severe but i have been moving around so I hope to recover soon from pain..

and here are some pics of my bundle Zoei Nolana Wilson!