
here's my long birth story!! it finally happened!

so this morning around 4:30am i woke up with terrible back pain and contractions. i've been up ever since. i tried to go back to sleep once my boyfriend left for work, but the pain was coming every 10 minutes and it was horrible. i called my mother and she came as fast as she could to get me. we took our time to get to the hospital because although they hurt they were still far apart. by the time we got to the hospital around 8:30amthey were 2-5 minutes apart, they took me right into a triage room and monitored everything like they always do ( i went in twice in the last week for false labor) she checked my cervix and i was 4cm. last time i was 3, my BP was high but she thought it just because of the pain from the contractions. she kept me another sround and checked my cervix around 10:15 and i was 5cm so they decided to keep me. they moved me to a room and gave me some pain medicine through the IV which at first i declined but they were i can't even explain it. she checked my cervix and i was 6 almost 7 cm. i called my bf and told him to get here asap. once he got here the pain was worse and they checked me again i was 8 but every time i got a contraction i was 9. the pain was excruciating. i finally decided to get the epidural once they were two minutes apart. which. helped SO MUCH. i was againist it at first but omg it was awesome.

anyways. i started getting the pressure to push and the dr would tell me when it was okay to. i was pushing so hard my face was popping vessels, but baby boy didn't wanna come out. he was stuck up there. they had to give me and emergency c section. i was so scared, they took me to the room and numbed me up and it was scariest moment of my life but i got through it. i was so looped up once i saw my baby i couldn't stop smiling. my boyfriend got to take the baby into the nursery while they fixed me up. once i got back into my room i got to hold my baby boy and he latched on.

HERES THE TWIST ! baby boy was head down with his arms facing the ceiling and but on my spine. turns out that that is one of the most painfullest labors. and that's why my pains were so bad and baby boy didn't wanna come out. ANYWHO daxton is healthy mama is too, legs are real itchy though. he weighs 6 pounds 9 ounces and 18 inches long. i'm so inlove.