NO BABY on Trans Ultrasound 7w1d - Updated: 9+wks

A little background: I've been having some pain in my lower right hip (on my back side) at times it's mild and at other times it hurts really bad. The pain started about a week ago. I mentioned this to my doctor's office when I went in on Thursday (12/14) to have a blood test to confirm my pregnancy. They had me see the doc and he performed an exam and ordered a Trans-Vaginal US.

This morning (12/16) I went in for the US but they couldn't find the baby or sac.

They did say my lining was really thick. They also said I probably ovulated from my right side. The Doc thought I miscalculated my period, but no way.

Last Menstrual: 10/27 (yes, I'm 100% sure)

BD: 11/9

1st & 2nd Pos. Pregnancy Test 11/27 (First Response)

3rd Pos. PT 12/4

4th Pos. PT 12/11

5th Pos. PT 12/14 @Dr.

They ordered a blood test for hormone levels today(12/16) and on Monday 12/18. Follow up appt on Tuesday 12/19.

DH and I are very nervous.

The doc says we could be only 4 weeks?

Thoughts? Anyone ever faced this before? Help!

UPDATE: 12/19

DH is being super supportive.On the way to follow up now.

US, then talk about test results with the doc on call.

I'll update you with what I find out tonight.

Fingers crossed!

Update 12/20:

So last night I had the ultra sound and the was still no baby. my HCG from 2 days ago was still riding, but slowly. dear above the 10,000 limit for an injection to remove the ectopic pregnancy. Doc said I was actually 9-10 weeks, but the baby never developed past 4 weeks because it was growing in my left tube. I had to have emergency surgery and they tried to save my tube, but couldn't because there was too much trauma and they couldn't get the bleeding to stop.

I'm heart broken. I'm terrified of what's could happen in the future and I'm in pain. We had to tell our parents (which we had hoped to do for Christmas) and a few other close relatives. That's not the kind of news I wanted to share.

Everyone asked how far along we were, but I don't want to tell them the due date because I don't want to add to their heart break too.

It's hard enough for DH and I to deal with without comments from others. Maybe we will tell people more later, but right now, most of the details will be between us.

I'm confident that God gave him to me because I couldn't have survived this without him. He literally is the glue holding me together right now.

UPDATE 1/5/18:

The hubby and I got this to honor and remember our lost little one. He got the same thing just higher up on his arm. I'm hoping it provides me with a little comfort, knowing I'll always remember and so will he.