Please help, drugs are taking over my life.

Y’all can laugh at me I don’t care but I have a issue that is growing every single day.

I’ve been smoking marijuana since I was 14 years old I am now 20. When I was 18 I had quit for about a year, during that year I enrolled in community college, made good grades, worked full time, starting exercising and eating healthy which helped me lose 35 pounds then as I formed a new friend group (because I moved) I started very casually smoking weed again then it turned into a everyday use and still is today. Since I’ve started smoking weed again I have failed my classes, stopped going to the gym and eating healthy which is how I’ve gained 25 pounds and lost all motivation to do better in life.

My mother is a alcoholic and also carries a addictive personality, I want to stop and get back to how I was 2 years ago but I feel like I can’t. I’m a server at the busiest sports bar in DFW with the worst management causing me large amounts of stress. I need help, I feel like if I tell someone that I’m addicted they are going to laugh in my face idk what to do.