Spiraling out of control with pregnancy related anxiety!


My first pregnancy was uneventful till delivery. Long story short, developed preeclampsia after delivery which was handled and I got off BP meds after 3-4 months. During my post partum period I developed SEVERE anxiety, no depression, just anxiety about my safety (lots of thoughts of unrealistic events, OCD tendencies, stressed my husband out, burglaries, fires, car accidents) you name it! I started seeing a therapist when I was 4 months PP. We made the decision to stop breastfeeding around 7 months PP and the anxiety completely went away! Yay!

I’m still seeing the same therapist as I am 6 months pregnant now (my son is 14 months old) in anticipation of the anxiety coming back after delivery of baby #2. I’ve recently had some stress in my life with the discovery of a breast lump. I brought it up to my OB who calmly referred me to get a breast ultrasound. The quickest appt I could get was 3 weeks away! What! I was 23 weeks pregnant and 32 years old! So of course I spent the 3 weeks googling ALL possible reasons for lumps, and my anxiety took over. I thought about how my son was going to lose his mom so young, how would I go through chemo pregnant, would my husband be left to raise 2 babies at 29 years old....the thoughts went on and on. Thankfully, the ultrasound came back normal (they didn’t see any lump and said it’s normal fibrous tissue). On here, these sound all like normal thoughts someone would have when faced with a serious health issue. But for me, these thoughts consumed my life...I thought about it all day all night. I wouldn’t talk about it with friends, family or even my husband because my brain was racing all the time and I couldn’t add anymore talk of it out loud. In hindsight, my thoughts are becoming irrational and life consuming. I should be able to face life stressors with a clear confident mind. Anyone else out there experience this or have recommendations? I’m considering starting Zoloft while pregnant. Anyone recommend any books about this type of prenatal/postnatal anxiety? I do not have depressive symptoms, this is all anxiety. Any other personal stories are extremely welcomed as I sit here tearing up...all I want is to enjoy this part of my life and new baby! Thanks guys