Plan B Confusion


My period ended on the 21st of November, and I had protected sex using a condom that after noon. He finished in the condom when it was not all the way in me. I took Plan B on the 24th, within 72 hours, just to be safe. I started bleeding again on the 29th. I looked it up and it said you’d experience spotting. But I bled like I normally do for four days. <a href="">Eve</a> notified me and said I should’ve started two days ago. I read that you can have a late period but if it’s later than a week, you need to take a test. I don’t think I am pregnant because I used two contraceptives. I’ve also been really irritable and have had some pain in my stomach and i’ve also been a little bloated. Is it possible I’m about to start my period? Thoughts?