Dressing up for the first time in 25 weeks


Today my husband and I went out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants in our town. It was a group date with another couple that we are very close with. It was the girl’s 25th birthday (and coincidentally today also marked my 25th week of pregnancy)

After a LONG week at work, and an especially long work day full of tummy and head aches, I decided to do my best to feel sexy tonight (despite having to be bundled up for the cold weather).

It took me a full face of make up, a few glasses of water with Tylenol, a dress and a pair of boots that I would have only dared to wear pre-pregnancy, but damnit I walked out my front door feeling pretty damn confident about my new figure. It’s the first time Ive felt this good about my appearance during pregnancy.

I noticed my husband’s eyes on me through out dinner. I won’t lie, I even swooned a bit at his inclination to put his arm around me and give my baby bump some love ❤️ (he rarely touches my belly in public.) when I teased him and asked him what he was looking at, I’m pretty sure the man I’ve been with for seven years blushed! He told me I’m beautiful!

Now I’m in bed, and he’s in the living room playing online with a friend. I listened to him gush about me for a short second to his friend, saying that “he’s very attracted to me pregnant” he said there’s “just something about it.”

I feel as though I’ve had a lot of downs when it comes to my body image during this (my first) pregnancy. It takes all my determination to make it the gym, and earn right, all the while being mindful of what my body needs for this blessing of a baby boy I have in my belly. Long story short, my new figure has been a bit of an adjustment.. even though I’ve always viewed every other pregnant woman as a beautiful goddess!

Maybe through the haze of feeling icky, and the concern for staying fit I just wasn’t able to see this in myself 😓

Today, though, I got to experience and appreciate that I too, am beautiful while pregnant!