Super annoying

Oh my god. Okay this is going to be a long rant.

So I'm annoyed at my husband. He hasn't gotten me a gift in years. No anniversary, no Christmas , no birthdays, nothing. I don't even ask for much. All I ask for is a 5$ bouquet of flowers. Instead he feels that he can buy himself whatever he wants. (Expensive tequila, shoes, etc).

I stopped buying him gifts about a year or so ago when I noticed this. I've mentioned this before to him, and he gets mad because he makes less than me, and I'm "too demanding". I pay a majority of the bills. All I want is a damned bouquet of flowers on my birthday.

We're not even technically married. I paid for both of our rings, and we're common law. I never even had a wedding. I guess I just want some romance.

On top of that, we haven't had sex in months. He has a varicocele (varicose vein in the groin), so it's painful for him to have sex. I've been having to take care of myself. I miss the physical touch of my husband. He was supposed to go to the urologist for his varicocele before his Insurance ran out....but he lied about it and didn't go to his appointment. Now he has no insurance, he's in pain everyday, and I haven't had sex in months.

He talks about having kids, but he hasn't done anything about it. I've gone to a fertility specialist, and I know everything on my end is good. The reason we can't conceive is because of his varicocele. But he won't do anything about it.

I'm sure some ladies will hate on me. I'm trying to be patient. Truly. But it's hard. I'm so horny, and mad.