
kaylin • keepin' it groovy

hi i'm gonna be annoying af probably & give u guys like info or whatever abt my crushes so hopefully someone can help me find out if i have a chance or if i should drop them !!


-loykey mysterious

-my type (look wise)

-good music taste

-kinda an asshole

-taller than me ! (i'm like 5'9, sigh)

-i'm prettyyyy sure he's into his girl best friend (but she doesn't like him)

-one time he said he'd date me if i didn't have the same same as his sister (RIP me)

-we have cute moments together

-sometimes i think he hates me lol


-has v pretty eyes

-taller than me ;)

-always has cool shirts

-kinda weird but like same

-texts me good memes

-we used to talk a lot but we're lowkey drifting :/

-used to think i had a chance but idk

-good music taste & humor


-literally hilarious

-we're not really friends but we talk a lot bc he talks to everyone lol

-class clown

-lowkey liked him since eighth grade but just now realizing it again (i'm in tenth now)

-comes in class everyday singing blackbear (my fave) & he always like points at me or something idek but it's cute okay

-talks to me a lot in class & occasionally at youth group but that's it


-the new kid

-taller than me aYe

-kinda quiet but really damn funny

-has my humor

-stares at me in class a lot

-talks to me a lot

-we're getting to be good friends but we've only known each other for like three weeks lol bc thats when he moved here


-i don't think i like him anymore bUt

-my 'first love'

-we dated in fifth grade lol

-my first kiss

-my first dick oops

-we've done lowkey sexual stuff (obviously)

-we were gonna be fuck buddies but i got outta that real quick

-he doesn't pay attention to me anymore & he's changed a LOT but i feel like i still love him sometimes idk

okay so that's it guys help a sister out