Looking for any advice?!

Hello Everyone. I am a 17 year old and this my Jr. year in high school. I’ve been feeling kinda discouraged lately in the boyfriend department. I’m not one to boast or be confident I am a very humble person. I’m very caring and will do anything to help someone out. I feel like I have a trouble maintaining relationships with guys. It seems like as soon as they get to know me they get intimidated by my knowledge and the morals that I have. Unlike many females around me it seems that my morals are what turn guys away and I’m not willing to stop this for anyone. I would really love to have just a solid relationship with a guy without that getting in the way. Not that it’s a bad thing but it seems like I only make a lot of guy friends and not really anyone that has the ability to step up and be a good boyfriend. Going into 2018 I just want to better myself so I can see this change. I feel like I have a lot to offer (caring personality,smart, funny, friendly) but sometimes my lack of confidence gets in the way. Any advice? Sorry for this long rant. Any advice is appreciated.