
12/19 FTM birth story

Due date 12/22. I had no signs of labor before today. No lost mucus plug? No bloody show.

Woke up at 2am, water broke all over the bed. My husband and I took a shower and packed our bags. I leaked all the way to the hospital. 😫😫

Arrived around 3:30am. Got checked out, monitored. Was at a 1cm. Got moved to a labor room at 8:30am. Got checked again at 10:30- was at 2cm but they started me on pitocin about an hour and a half before and contractions HURT (to me). So I got the epidural. They didn't decide to check me again until around 3:30pm. At this point I was hurting so much on my right side, I thought I just needed to flip over to get the epidural working on that side. The Dr comes in and says I'm at a 10 and ready to start pushing! They get things set up and after 30 mins of pushing, Cora Estelle was born. 8lbs 3oz.

I love her so much! 😍💕