Y r boys so stupid.... like honestly

so like i’ve has this thing going on and off with this guy. ya know he’s one of the vans wearing guys who say they want to know al about u then ghost u.... yup

well basically every single time he hits me up and he says stuff like “i miss u i didn’t even know how much i did until we started talking again” and “i want another chance with u, things just aren’t the same without u” and all of this stuff girls wanna hear. every single time i take him back and then he just STOPS TALKING TO ME. when he first started doing it to me i didn’t get it. but now i know exactly what’s happening and now im just like whatever. i promise myself that was the last time, but he just wraps me up around his little finger. he’s so toxic to me and i know that but i cant give him up. it’s easier to have him for a couple weeks then to not have it at all. but he just gets involved with his exes and other girls. like the last time this happened he told me that when he went to go to Boston that weekend that he ran into his ex and he knows it sounds horrible but he just didn’t know how he felt about letting her back in. turns out he slept with her that weekend...

like ik i have no reason to be mad and there’s no point ranting to him either bc he’s just the type of guy who’s so chill about everything like he doesn’t see the point in freaking out over stuff, it’d be embarrassing.

but like ik my friends r tired of me complaining about it and seeing me take him back

uhhh i just don’t know what to do:(