I AM SICK and tired of my parents at some point of the day reason I say this they say I have to do stuff for them cause they do stuff for me that part I don’t understand I have ask my father to take me to the library so I can finish my research paper, go to the bank because The have a special scholarship for high school kids all I have to do is enroll sounds perfect but I haven’t gone because they haven’t taken me oh and let’s not forget my senior ring I have to pay off less than two months if I don’t pay I don’t go to my ring ceremony this does not mean on my father but including my mother as well I have been working day in and out while be sick as a mofo haven’t takin me to the doctor about two weeks my ear hurts my throat hurts and my back hurts can my parents please get their shit together and work with me instead of ignoring my situations I wanna do go is that so hard to ask