Married to a compulsive LAIR


I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with a lil girl and I also have a 1 year old lil boy, both his. Yesterday was the straw the broke the camels back I'm a firm believer in fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me and I'm consumed with thoughts of divorcing my husband of 8 years. I'll try to make this short. My husband works for Edison as a lineman his schedule is never set and he could be forced to work over time or a 24 hour shift at the drop of a dime. He works over night a lot as well. Yesterday I had not heard for him all day until 9pm which is normal assumed he was working. When he finally called me on his way home I instantly got this bad feeling in my stomach he sounded intoxicated. I ask him if he'd been drinking and he said no ... I knew it was a lie I asked him again were you working this whole time ? He said yes. I told him don't lie to me he continued to deny it and the more he did the more obvious it became to me that he was VERY drunk so I hung up the phone. Now let me just say this I'm okay with him drinking and it's not unusual for him to get a few beers after work sometimes in which he lets me know ahead of time my only concern is him driving under the influence and losing his job because if he gets a DUI that's exactly what will happen. So he gets home and I ask AGAIN he still Denys he'd been drinking and I start wondering what he's hiding ? Why is he lying about this ??? He quickly gets in the shower and goes straight to bed. Well I could not sleep. I decided to find out what was going on so I took his cell phone and went to the bathroom found nothing UNTIL I opened his snapchat and went to the area that ppl can send private snaps. It was a snap from a man co worker. At first I could not make out what I was seeing it was super dark and I could see a white t shirt and realized it was a person on top of someone else and it looked like they were having sex. I could not see it very good but def two ppl on the ground the person on top was humping and had a Edison work shirt on it then it cut to another snap of a TON of empty beer bottles. I freaked out. I couldn't tell if it was my husband in the video and I could not tell who was the person on the bottom if it was even a women. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with snap chat but I tried viewing it again and I think it was those disappearing ones. I woke his ass the fuck up and he acted all confused and STILL insisted he had not been drinking but working. He even said I can't believe you think I'm lying to you !!!!!! As he was talking I could smell the alcohol on his breath !!!!!!!! Now I'm positive some shady shit had gone down. I lost it. I told him to get the fuck out he refused I tried slowly pushing him off the bed with one hand I'm obviously not strong enough to to move him and then he pushed me with all his force I went flying back and almost fell backwards off the bed I was in shock. This man has never put hands on me and I couldn't believe he'd do it while I'm heavily pregnant. he got up and left the room put his work clothes back on I'm sitting on the bed crying like crazy while he gets his keys and leaves at around 1am with no regard to my or babies well being. He knows yesterday was super tuff for me being that I have gestational diabetes and it was the first time injecting incline at night. He knows I was terrified and needed him. Well after he left my sugars went threw the roof for hours and I was feeling so sick. I'm so worried for my baby and I was extremely sad and felt like I had no support from him. I assume it was the stress the made it so high. Now I don't know where he went if he got there okay because he was still drunk I don't know if he made it to work or anything. I don't know if he got a dUI and we are about to lose everything or even worse if he got into an accident what I do know is I'm more worried about him than he is worried about me. Will he will even remember what happened ? This isn't the first time he had lied to my face about the exact something ! He did something very similar when I was pregnant with my son And that situation was sorta shady as well I confirmed he had deleted a bunch of texts from a male co worker and he told me he was working went he was not. Lied over and over again. I just don't know what to do !!! His lying is so pathetic I just can't. I feel like idk who I'm married to and it's so scary i feel so bad for my babies I can't look at my son without crying. I bet you guys he is going to act like he remembers NOTHING and that will be his scape goat. I will update as soon as I can.