need to vent about my life

UPDATE: I want to thank all of you ladies who took the time to comment and encourage me. your words are so kind and really brought tears to my eyes. I needed them so much. Thank you.............. ....................... Firstly, I thank anyone in advance who takes the time to read this novel of a vent. I just HAVE to get this out there or in going to explode. I have no one to talk to about this and I'm so so tired. So here it goes: I am 7 months pregnant with my daughter (due March 2018), we have a son that just turned 2, and my husband of 8 years was just diagnosed with Bipolar 2 and anxiety disorder/OCD expression.

I’ve known for a long time that the mood swings and his behavior weren’t “normal” and have suspected a Bipolar diagnosis for some time, so it wasn’t a shock to me when that’s what he was told. However, I didn’t expect the diagnosis to change so much about how I interact with him as his wife and I am struggling with it.

My husband has fought seeking treatment for years due to being told mental illness is “weakness” his whole life by his family. But he recently had a really bad depressive bout that made him finally accept the need for something different. I am so proud that he is finally doing what he needs and I’m 100% supportive of him seeking treatment and getting on medication.

Our whole marriage his mood swings have been a challenge, he’s very rarely productive and helpful around the house so I usually end up taking a lions share of the household and childcare.

I work from home as an online freelancer and my husband has been working on transitioning his career from home as well. However, he never has enough motivation to stay on bidding work and pursuing leads actively. So he’s been out of work and I’ve carried all the household bills alone for the past 8 months. 3 of which I was out of work and we burned through all our savings. Now, at 7 months pregnant I have new contracts and can pay the bills again. But I’m working nearly 70 hours every week in order to pay the bills and get caught back up. My hubby spends 90% of his day on his computer and rarely sleeps (we’re still working on getting him medication so things are still really up and down) he sleeps from about 4am-11am most days and even though he’s on his computer for work, he doesn’t have anything to show for the time he spends. While I do all the bills, earn money, take care of our toddler by myself, all the house cleaning, laundry, cooking and maintenance, all the grocery shopping…etc and I’m 7 month pregnant…. if I am honest I’m EXHAUSTED and so frustrated. I am trying to do my best to keep it together and let him work through this, but I honestly need some relief and have no one.

I don’t want to “nag” him and argue with him about picking up after himself, looking for work, and helping around the house. Because he’s been told to just push his feelings down and be “normal” his whole life, and i dont want to undo the work hes trying to do with the therapist by reinforcing that attitude at home. But I honestly don’t know how to handle it either, and he's so oblivious to what I am going through on this side of things. I feel like im going to crack under all the pressure and I’m scared because he's like caring for a child right now (I have to let him sleep whenever he can or wake him for appointments. I keep track of all his appointments and remind him to eat, make him food and take care of himself because otherwise he doesnt) and thats with my toddler and a new baby on the way.

How am I going to handle all of It?