Lying, I had a natural birth.

I know it sounds stupid to lie about it, and no I'm not looking to be applaud for something I didn't do. Even though I'm not sure what people applaud you for, all mommies are awesome for simply bringing life. but iv been through so much shit these last few months that the least thing I want from people is to make comments, judgements or tell me their stories how they had a natural birth with their kid and tell me how scary and bad a epidural is. it's been almost 2 years since my first and my bfs family still go straight to that when we talk about my pregnancy (pregnant with #2) I'm not sure how many times iv hear "I was so tiny but still gave birth to my 9 pound son!" from his mom and his cousins. so the thought of lying just came to me while I thought about how I'm going to get bombed with visitors after baby is born. My family never judges or my friends, they only care how I'm recovering and baby is well. I know them asking if just them being curious then they drop it to move on so idc if they know. My bf seems upset but I told him his family, the woman are rude at times and don't realize what they say at times. he always comments back "Oh that's just how the woman are, they just say what's on their mind" like okay? and if they hear what's on my mind they aren't going to like what they hear. he laughs and says he doesn't understand that they will end up finding out. I don't care if later on they find out even tho I see no possible way they will since our families don't talk nor like each other n if they do o well. i guess im just wondering if anyone has lied to their in laws or family? if so what about? *I know it's not a big deal which is why I don't see it a big deal to lie, I just don't want to hear the comments or judgement because for them it IS a big deal.