Crying cause I feel like I’ve missed out on this pregnancy


My first pregnancies ended is miscarriage but I have tons of pictures of virtually no “bump” and I would talk to them when they couldn’t hear me etc and now I’m actually 29 weeks and I’m so upset that I’ve “missed out” on being pregnant I have a bump but have no pictures, I don’t talk to her for some reason, I haven’t taken any classes cause my husband works all the time and I don’t want to do them alone, I’m like rushing to read a birthing book cause it has stuff in it I should’ve had done already, I don’t have anything for her pretty much and though I never wanted one I feel like having a shower just to see if it’ll help, we don’t know where we’re gonna live so I can’t start planing her nursery, it’s not the first time I’ve felt like this, it’s going so fast and i don’t know what to do, surely I’m not the first to feel this way so I’m in desperate need of suggestions on how to “catch up” on my pregnancy I’ve been in a crying, stressed out, overwhelmed, state that I’ve run out of time and missed out on this experience :( please help