No peak with Clearblue Advanced Digital opk


My cycles are irregular, so I started testing with cheap opk's the day after my period stopped. I started using Clearblue Advanced Digital opk on cycle day 25 because that would normally be close to the time my window begins. I got a flashing smiley on CD 28. I'm now on CD 33 and it's still flashing. Hubby and I have been baby dancing everyday since the flashing smiley (we've tried the every other day with no luck). Is it possible that the opk isn't picking up my LH surge? Has anyone else gotten pregnant on the flashing smiley? I've already gone through one box and bought another. If I go through this box, I don't know that I'll keep testing. I'm worried that I'm not ovulating. My BBT says that I haven't ovulated yet, but I'm not sure I ovulated last month either because my BBT was all weird. Thanks ladies baby dust to all!