I’m not your mother!


Why is it everytime my fiancé needs to schedule anything (doctor appt, dentist, massage, therapy, a freaking oil change) I have to schedule it?!


We’ve talked about this and he just doesn’t care enough to do it I guess. Lazy!

I generally dont mind doing it. However, the other week I was testing him to see how he’d react if I didn’t schedule a few things. He melted. 🙄

I bought him a massage for his birthday. All he had to do was call the number and schedule for a day he had off. I never know his schedule because it constantly varies.

3 months later and he still hasn’t scheduled. He “keeps forgetting to call”.

So he asks me to do it of course. I also “forget” and he’s all like, “BUT BABY! It’s gonna expire soon! But baby! I really need to go cause my back hurts. Etc.”

So I schedule it. 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

Then I schedule him to go to dentist after a weird occurrence with his jaw. Well they want his records from the other office since he moves states. Can I get him to handle that? Nope.

Guess who didn’t have his records for the appointment?

Yep. My man child.

THEN of all things. He wins these gifts cards from a work raffle. Guess who can’t call the number on the back of the card to activate them?!

Yep. You guessed it again. My one and only... 🙄

Now ladies, I love him to pieces. And I probably painted a picture that makes him sound like a complete ass but he’s really not... He’s awesome, it’s just stupid things that annoy me to no end.

Your guys like this to? How hard is it to adult and schedule a few things?! Lol.