Friends and money

Starting to get again get annoyed with my friend named K.

So she never has money and so I’ll give a quick example of how she’s annoying.

Let’s say I plan to go to lunch with my other friend. She here’s about it and invited herself along. So she comes, we get to the restaurant and she says “shoot I have no money” and then looks and me and my friend until we offer to pay.

Or another example.

She never has money for lunch at school. I’ll ask her if she wants to go up to get food with me (1. Bc she gets butt hurt if I don’t ask her. 2. I ask her b4 I realize she has no money).

So she’ll come get food with me in the caf kitchen and on the way up she’ll tell me she has no money and ask if I can get her something. I most of the time sigh and say “yeah ig” and I’ll get her like $4 in food cuz she’s a hoe. Next day I don’t have money, I ask if she can get me something and she says “yeah as long as u pay me back” LIKE BITCH WHAT?! U OWE ME LIKE $100+ IN FOOD, TOLLS, GAS, ETC!!!!!!!!

And it’s like she has to get everything she wants or she’ll pitch a passive aggressive fit. Ugh it’s so annoying and yes it’s partially my fault cuz I’m too nice and shy to tell her no.