My 7 month old has goopy eyes!


So it started about 1 day and a half ago. it started clear and watery then started getting thicker and slightly yellow throughout the afternoon. Now it's beginning to crust when he sleeps and since I've been cleaning them (separately) with a warm wash cloth they've gotten red under the eyes. I've been doing warm sugar water rinses (which he hates) and just keeping it clean. It's not pink eye, nor contagious but normally the sugar water rinses help fairly quickly being that I used to do this for my other kids I have had experience with this but I figured I'd put it out there and see if anyone else had other suggestions. He is newly crawling and I keep my floor as clean as possible! also he is teething. His top teeth are pushing through. I figured I'd mention this because Im not exactly sure whats causing this to happen. Any tips are gratefully appreciated! thanks!