Positive Peak OPK 🤗


Haven’t seen such a positive opk in a long time. Now to get to BD is the hard part.

Husband is always tired, but this time I won’t tell him I’m ovulating because that puts too much pressure on him and he thinks too much about it.

So he ends up not ejaculating, we’re never gonna have a baby like that!

He knows he “owes” me sex lol it’s been like two months without any. He says he’s sorry whenever I ask for it and that he’s tired. So hopefully I can get it in tonight and tomorrow. 🤞🏽

And don’t judge me, I’m not tricking him, he wants a baby just as much as me, but he just gets way into his head about ejaculating so I prefer to not tell him I’m ovulating 🤷🏽‍♀️.

Well well we shall see😏🤔