rant/need advice???


ok so my SO and I moved back from Texas and we were looking for a place to buy or rent. My best friend of several years was too so we were like ok whatever we can get this big 3 bedroom 2 bath and split the rent between all of us. So it's my SO and I, and then her and her boyfriend. Within the first week of living together she had put a huge hole in the wall as well as break the freezer handle off. My SO had bought these very nice Rachel Ray pans and before we even got to use them... she had used then and CHIPPED one of the pans. And within the first week they had her bfs sister come stay in the guest room, which is right next to ours. Without asking us. She also showered in our bathroom and used ALL of my things. I confronted her about how she has been inconsiderate and disrespectful of us. And she tried to turn it around on me because I smoke pot. Which she tried using against me in the argument even though she had smoked with me multiple times, but had also drank our liquor and everything without even asking. Just helped herself. So I called her out for everything and she had nothing to say and then acted like everything was perfectly fine the next day. My SO and I make meals every day, as well as clean our dishes. If we don't make dinner they go out. Never once have they dinner. They continuesly eat our food as well as dirty our dishes and expect us to clean then because they're our bowls and plates we bought. Now I am currently going through the hiring process at the hospital that is near by. When she found out, she applied for the same job. My SO had given me a promise/engagement ring, two days later she got a ring from her boyfriend of JUST TWO MONTHS, and just recently I have found out that I am pregnant. So since we're living with them, I felt as though I should tell her. She came up to me a week later And told me her and her boyfriend have been talking about having a child and continued to tell me that they would take the spare bedroom for a nursery. I freaked out on her honestly. We had let them take the main bedroom because they used the excuse of him having so many medical things (he has diebetes) so we just said whatever not realizing that all he needs is insulin 🙄 so when she said to me that they wanted that room. Their room is 2x the size of ours and the spare bedroom is right next to ours, plus I'm already pregnant so if anybody has any right to that spare bedroom I feel like I have more right to it. Well then last night, they were supposed to leave to go 4 hours north for his family. We figured with a trip like that you'd leave during the day or early afternoon. So we invited my SO family and best friend over for dinner to reveal the news and everything, around 7pm her and her boyfriend came barging into the house and stomping around and didn't even say hello to anybody. Just glared and gave everybody the silent treatment then locked themselves in their rooms. 10oclock and everybody left and we're getting ready for bed because my SO works 12-14 hour days and gets up early in the morning. Then we hear stomping and doors slamming and the lights outside come on. Our bedroom is right next to the door to go outside. So now it's 11 o'clock and they're walking in and out packing and loading shit up, while slamming the door each time one of them goes in or out. I was furious so I walked out and asked them to knock it off and be quieter and she just says "well we're leaving" why the fuck would you leave at 11:30 at night only to get there at 3 in the morning. So I told her how inconsiderate and rude she is and I told her that if it was us doing what they were, she would be throwing a tantrum like a child. Am I in the wrong for anything? am I crazy? I just... I need advice and I need to know how to get these people out of here!!!! My SO is the head of the lease.