God’s plan, not mine

So we have been trying since we were married. It’s been 6 & 1/2 yrs. It has been so frustrating. I’m starting to think it’s is our cross. My husband would be such a good father. He is so good with kids. I feel so guilty not being able to have children. He is so good though. I Iove my husband! I just had my 45th bday. I will not do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>.... I pray for a miracle. It is God’s will not mine. Maybe we are meant to help nieces and nephews instead. Or to travel. I don’t know. Trying to be open to god’s will/plan. We have some done the ovulation stimulation and trigger shots. My mother passed away unexpectedly during our intense time of trying. Starting to think it is not in God’s plan for us. I hope I can find his plan for us. I grieve the child I couldn’t have.