Can't stand his Uncle!

I seriously can't stand my husbands uncle he hates me for no reason. It all started off when we were just bearly dating he would make a shitty ass face when I went over to his mom's HOUSE! My So lived with his grandma at the moment she loves me! I went over almost every day but he had no say because he lived there free. I would catch him mean mugging me and my so not sure why. When I went to my so family reunion someone wanted to take a pic of me and my so I caught his staring at me hard and mean. Then after a couple of months me and my so were in his room talking. When all of a sudden his uncle calls him to talk to him outside. He had the nerve to tell my so that I wasn't right for him and that I better not get pregnant and other B.S. So got mad and when we moved his grandma told me that his uncle didn't like me because my so didn't have time to party and drink like he does. He's 30 something years old, living on his mom's couch, gets high and drunk infront of her lawn. I was like why would he wanna be like him. So today tell me why his family has a secret Santa gift exchange. We are sitting on the couch talking to his family. He walks up to my so and says how's work my so said good and turned his head so he wouldn't have to deal with him. Tell me why he stands right in front of my husband and looks around. I'm carrying the puppy looking around and talking to my so Tia when I see on the side him just staring at me and he'll look away and look right back at me. He was already drunk and high. I felt so awkward and anxious. I was ready to talk shit if he started mess with us/me. i swear everytime I see him i want to punch him just by the way he looks at me.