Sex without him getting off /wasting our baby

Virginia • Married , 3 year old boy and a 16 month old boy who has was born 6 weeks early , 💍 😘👶🏻💙

So my husband usually is pretty fast with sex lol but the last 2x we did it he can’t get off !! I’m like wtf this is pissing me off !! He (TMI) jerks off a lot when I have my period or when I don’t wanna do it (perv) and I flip bc he’s wasting our babies lol !! It just makes me so mad bc he really needs it like that??? Wow!! Now bc he whacked off yesterday he could t get off and a fertile day wasted !! We tried for like an hour almost and I was done bc it was hurting!! But today we are gonna try it twice !! I just really want this soooo bad !!!!