Self proclaimed “Auntie”.

My husband and I are expecting our first child in March!! This is the first Grandchild on either side of our family, the first niece, etc. I️ have one brother that I’m very close with! He lives with us and it’s a great situation all around. He has been in a relationship with the same woman for over a year. Her and I️ have recently begun becoming close. She is very supportive of us and always expressing her excitement for the new baby ! She buys things for the baby already which is so sweet. Last night, she came over our house and put her presents for the family under the tree. My husband and I️ were admiring them all and saw the ones she bought for our (unborn) daughter. They were addressed to the baby and said “From: Auntie______”.

We have never referred to her as auntie. In our opinion, aunt and uncle is reserved for our siblings and their spouses. It might sound harsh, we just don’t want “aunts and uncles” coming in and out of our babies life, you know? Like if they were to break up down the line, or if my brother gets a new girlfriend we can’t call each and every one of our siblings non-spouse significant others aunt and uncle.

Also, my husband has 7 siblings. Therefore, this could open the Pandora’s box of ALL their boyfriends and girlfriends being aunt and uncle. We just don’t want our child(ren) to have musical “aunts” and “uncles”.

My question is, what would you do? Am I️ being too harsh? Should I️ just let it slide for now since our baby isn’t even born yet and doesn’t know the difference?

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