Christmas Cookies Mishap

Angela • Hit me up if you need someone to talk to or just wanna chat as buddies. I enjoy listening, talking, and helping others. @useless_angela [insta] or ameilyapower2 [snap]

Okay, so. I was trying to make Christmas cookies to take to a dinner with my bf and his family... when I pre-heated the oven I forgot to check inside the oven.. SOME DUMB ASS, probably my aunt who was here last week, PUT A PIZZA BOX IN THE OVEN. I started a HUGE fire! If I had to guess the flame was about four feet tall. I handled myself quite well, no one was hurt, I put out the fire and everything, other then the pizza box, was okay. The fire extinguisher made a HUGE MESS. The white stuff is AIR BORN!! And impossible to clean up! Everyone is beating me up, NOT physically, over it. What makes it worse is that my little sisters "fathers" dad used to be a firefighter chief..... DAMN AM I EVEEER GETTING AN EARFUL. Jeez!!! Kinda back tracking- when I went into my moms room and told her I started a fire I was so calm she thought I was joking and told me to go away.. I had to basically drag her out of her room in order for her to believe me. I say I was pretty calm and handled myself very well. I used a fire extinguisher for the first time, and now I am prepared for any fire I may start, ACCIDENTALLY, in the future..

Complete side note- MY FUCKING LANDLORD SAID "did you break the glass?" like no. we used out magic powers to get the fire extinguisher out of the boxy thing. The VERY FIRST thing he asked when we told him about the fire was "is my unit okay?" YEAH, WE'RE FINE. THANKS FOR ASKING!! Fuck, I hate that man...... lol, normally I say "sorry for ranting" but this group is literally called 'rant' so.....