Sounds Awful, I Know. But....


I really wish this pregnancy could have waited until I was done with my degree. I was on the depo shot for 9mths and decided the side effects were way too severe (lumps in my breasts, bad mood swings, ect.), so I decided not to go for another round which was scheduled for August 24. It took a couple weeks to start to wear off because I would do them every 11wks, not 13. So, like 3 weeks to a month later, I finally felt normal. All my syptoms dissipated and i had a period in September. Come october i had 1 faint period that came on the first, then a heavier one on the 10th. November 17 I took a test because I was feeling off. I missed a period also, but thought nothing of it because I did just get off bc. The test was positive and I couldn't believe it! My dr told me most woman will take a yr to a yr and a half to conceive after depo. Imagine how mad I was seeing that I was an exception. This is going to slow me down so much with my schooling and it will take me 2 semesters longer to complete my degree. This was just way too soon, my son just turned 2 and my SO doesn't help with my anxiety about this. I need some uplifting stories. Who here was able to finish a degree with 2 small children? I feel like this is impossible! 😞 I really want to be excited but find myself thinking that i will never amount to anything 😔