clear fluid gushing out..35 weeks 5 days! help!

So my partner has been working in a different state for a while and the last time we saw each other was since thanksgiving and this all happened this morning. My partner came back around 6 am on the 23rd of December and I have 30 days left till my due date and so of course we are excited to see each other and we get down to the nitty gritty for a good 5 mins and I was on top of him then I just felt like I just feel really wet down there and not in the happy way. l had to stop having sex and cleaned up my lady parts and he also said that alot got on his junk after all that I didn't feel the same. So he didn't get to cum nor did I. we just ended it and fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later and I get up out of bed then I just feel like a gush of fluid come out of me warm and my first thought was that I peed my pants and then I realized it couldn't have been because I didn't need the restroom and I had check to see if it had any odor and it was odorless and i dont have any itching or irritation. this is the first time it happened and this is my second pregnancy and I didn't want to freak out. I am just curious on what it could possibly be? I do get pelvic pressure from time

to time and some braxton hicks but no reoccurring contractions. just curious on what you think before I try to contact my midwife.