Unwanted Pregnancy

Hello all. I could use some thoughts that aren’t my own because I’m starting to panic. So recently I had a very, stupid drunken night that ended in unprotected sex. We had been seeing each other for a month before hand, and he’s a nice guy...but I think I might be pregnant. I don’t normally get cramping before my period, and it has been non stop ever since we had sex. I took a test a while back and it had a faint line, showed a friend, we wrote it off as nothing because it was so faint that looked like an evap line. Whatever. Fast forward 11 days, still same stuff. Still cramping constantly. TMI but that white discharge often (not normal for me). I am only 20, trying to figure out my life, I am not ready to have a child. Abortion wouldn’t be right for me, knowing someone could adopt, however I personally couldn’t handle adoption because if I am pregnant, that’s my child, and I would rather bust my ass giving it the best life I could than wonder all my life about him/her. I haven’t mentioned it to him obviously because I’m not sure and we also ended things a few days ago. I’m so unsure what to do right now. Thoughts/ opinions? SOS