I cant believe i just did this to my husband, i was so pissed tho😥

my husband continues to tell me "half truths" when it's really lying eg. he would tell me I went to a party with jack and I find out you were with some female! the fact that he was with a female is irrelevant(which is called a half truth according to him all I had to know is that he was with jack) or his visiting his bro in law and gets super drunk; all I have to know is that he was with his bro in law and it's irrelevant to know that there was alcohol I mean this list goes on and it gets worse.

BUT no matter how pissed I was I should not have done this😦 I own up to my mistakes but I know you cannot take back something like this, I love him and always been faithful to him I advise you ladies no matter how pissed you are at your man hormonal or not think before you say something or you will end up like me🤦I deserve what's coming for me😬 #24 weeks pregnant

wish me luck tho!


This is all he said!