Could i be pregnant?


My cycle is 3 days late.

My long term boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex for some time now.

I haven’t had any of the real typical symptoms for long but here is what iv had this far:

Strong back pain

Slight nausea



Slight stomach discomfort

Nasal congestion

Scratchy throat

White discharge ( just recently)

And on the first night of my missed period I was on an emotional roller coaster

When I did a number 2 a few days again I noticed a little blood but only when I wiped and this was right before my period was supposed to start ( lol probably has nothing to do with anything )

I haven’t tested yet bc i want to wait until iv reached the 31 day mark between my last period which will be on the 27th of December.

Not to mention we moved upstate almost 2 months ago ( if that can have anything to do with anything lol)

But could I be pregnant?

( I understand I need to take a test but I also know I should wait a little while to ensure my cycle isn’t just being cray cray )

I think I just wanna know how many mothers out there experienced similar symptoms during the beginning of the pregnancy.