"OMG youre huge!"

Kylie • 29, Québec CA, 💕

"Are you sure there's not 2 in there?"

"Well there's no denying it now!"

With the holidays comes family members who don't know how to stfu.

yes. my belly is big... I'm growing a freaking human in there.

yes I'm sure there's only one in there, I think me of my dr would have known before 27 weeks.

nope, no denying it. there's a person in there.

I don't understand why people think it's ok or acceptable to say these things... to an already self-conscious pregnant woman. As if my belly getting big is something I should be embarrassed of, that my baby growing so big and strong is a bad thing!

I know they don't mean to hurt my feelings, and I don't want to be a big baby about it, but F*CK it makes me so angry. How do you all deal with family members who push your buttons like this?!?