Cause for concern???

Hey all so today I am 7w 2d and this came out his morning. We had sex 2x in a day about 2 days ago and ever since I have been spotting the light brown which I think is normal because it was some rough sex but the little clot I haven't had yet. With my first I had spotted brown a little darker than this week 12-16. And I wasn't able to have a complete pregnancy so I never knew if it was the cause of anything but they told me nothing was wrong and that the spotting was normal. I'm just so afraid something will happen....we are going to announce to his family tonight and I just don't want it to backfire. The only cramps Iv been having are the normal occasional subtle cramping from my uterus expanding. When my period was supposed to show this month I spotted brown also for 5 days (I know that's normal) but it did have a few of the same tiny little blood clots. I had a d&c; done this past early march and had gone on depo after and ever since every now and then I get these but there never any bigger than this. And now that I'm pregnant again it's making me freak out!! I just want my baby to be ok. Sorry if this is a lot and TIA!!!