Boyfriend cheating. UPDATE.

I have a 3 yr old with my boyfriend of 7 yrs and currently pregnant with our second baby and I’m due next month. I knew something wasn’t right so I ask him he denied it. For that I didn’t believe him so I did some digging and found out he’s been cheating for two months! I confronted him and he said he loved me and that he doesn’t even know what he does I’m so hurt specially because I’m about to have my baby next month. Today that’s Xmas <a href="">eve</a> I’m alone home with my daughter because he left last night to his side chicks house and didn’t come home and sleep and he didn’t even want bother to come home for the holiday I txt him and he said be home soon this was at 10 am. I’m hurt I feel alone don’t know what to do.....

Update: planing on leaving after the baby is born we had talked and said let’s give it another chance for our families sake. But nothing has changed he keeps leaving. Doesn’t answer my txt or calls when he’s out there with her my fear is that I might go into labour and he’s no where to be found. I asked if he loves her and his answer is I love her like I love my friends that’s all. So then why do you go and have sex with her? If you love her like she’s your friend? And they txt in front of me everyday all day... I don’t understand his way of thinking and for sure doesn’t act like a mature adult. Yesterday he left in the morning to her house I got a txt from him at around 8pm saying that he was in the er due to tooth pain I then asked shes with you? His answer was yes. That really hurt me because it should’ve been me there with him after all I do still love him and it hurts what he keeps doing. After I asked if he was going to make it home and his reply was we’ll see. He didn’t make it. And the worst part is that he blocked me on his phone so when I call it goes straight to voicemail and when I txt him the messages don’t go through. I’m lost I pray every day to god for him to guide me in the right direction but I wouldn’t know until I have my baby and make my decision then.