Am I over reacting ?

Sapphire • Full time mum taking everyday as it comes

So it’s Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. Me and my boyfriend have been living separate because his house has too many stairs and my hips are really bad at the moment. Well I came back because it’s Christmas. So Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> we spent the morning eating breakfast then he went to work. When he finished work he went to a party full of family. Now his family are all Chinese and I don’t speak Chinese and he kept trying to make me go to bed. So after 30 minutes I finished eating and went home. He stayed until 12:30am and he hasn’t returned. But I’ve promised my family we would come see them tomorrow. A family member is coming to get us at 7am and it’s 6am and he still hasn’t returned. So he’s coming to my family completely drunk and with no sleep. So this Christmas he is going to be either drunk or a sleep. But what I’m scared is he’s been playing poker all night so I don’t even want to know how much money he has lost tonight.

I’m nearly 7 months and I can’t drink but still I don’t think he realises it upsets me. That I want to spend Christmas together and not with him still drunk and falling asleep every where.

Am I over reacting or ruining his time with his family?