Birth story

Katie • 12/23/17 💙 currently TTC

So it’s 3 am and I’m in huge amounts of pain so I think it’s time I post my birth story..

I was scheduled for an induction at 8 pm and I got there right on the dot I felt great! Nervous but great! so they start my IV and draw blood and all that good stuff and around 10pm they gave me a pill in my vagina to help me dilate because I was not dilated at all and only 20% effaced at (41 weeks pregnant) so a few hours go by and start feeling them regularly and painfully but I wanted to seem like a badass and take the pain so for a few hours around 6 am I start getting contractions every minute apart and I was dilated to a 3 ( yay progress) BUT WHEN THEY CHECKED MY CERVIX THAT LITTLE PAIN MADE MY VAGINA CATCH ON FIRE I WAS BURNING INTERNALLY YALL! I gave in and started getting pain meds in my IV and after a while those pain meds felt like nothing they did nothing so I got an epidural and it was fantastic I couldn’t feel shit I slept for a while and around 12 they checked my cervix again and I was at a 7 and they could feel his head they cranked up my pitocin & broke my water to get the party started and after 2 hours checked again and no progress waited another two hours and once again from 7 I didn’t progress and my son was started to get stressed so they said I had to have a c section so at 4:30 they took me back for my c section I was given sooooo many drugs that I don’t remember any of it but my son was born at 5:10 pm on dec 23. At 1 in the morning they took him to the baby room and said he was having breathing trouble and by 1 pm they had to have him transferred to a hospital with a nicu and I was to stay at the hospital I gave birth in I was not ok with that they let me go home early not even a full 24 hours after my c section and now that the drugs they had me on wore off it hurts like hell this is not how I wanted my labor to go at all my son is hooked up to all these machines and I can’t even take care of him properly because I was cut open. I really don’t think I’ll be having anymore kids because of this experience. Anyways this is my little fighter. We are just hoping for a fast recovery on both ends. Sorry if my story is all crazy it was literally the craziest experience of my life.

*** if anyone knows anything about c section recovery please comment any tips or anything thank you in advance***