After being under the impression I was going to have to be 100% induced on the 22nd (due to high bp ...

After being under the impression I was going to have to be 100% induced on the 22nd (due to high bp I was not allowed to go over), pur daughter decided she was ready to come not only on her own, but at 39w3d!

The days leading up to my water breaking I felt I was losing small bits of my plug but never knew for sure. My last dilation check on the 15th showed I was barely a fingertip and little miss was really high up still. Needless to say I was devastated my body showed no progress towards delivery.

Well Saturday night we went to bed, just for me to wake up two hours later thinking I was about to pee myself! After 15 minutes of leaking it finally dawned that it might be my water! We drove to L&D where sure enough it was!

Pitocin was started because even though I was having contractions, they would not regulate. I would have a cluster of them, then none for awhile. At one point I had one that was 2 minutes long, followed by three short ones. They had to keep tweaking the pitocin. Against my original plans I ended up getting an epidural after being stuck at 5cm for 5 hours with those wack contractions. Baby was very position oriented so I could only stay upright the entire time or her heart rate would dip. After that things moved slow, of course, but around 11pm (21 hours of labor) it was time to push! With my husband holding my leg and watching the whole thing, Emilia Mishelle was born at 12:55am on Monday morning 😊❤