So they started my labor on Monday night at 9pm because I wasn’t dilated

So they started my labor on Monday night at 9pm because I wasn’t dilated. Well, Monday night they started me in Cervadil. Which looks like a long tampon and they put it way in your cervix. So, the next morning at 6am they checked me and I wasn’t dilated at all. So they gave me a pill vaginally that was called cytotec, and it is a 4 hour long dilation process. So when the 4 hours were up they checked me and I was only a cm. So they decided to do another dose of the pill. After this dose my contractions became unbearable to where I was in Andy’s arm crying every contraction. I didn’t want to get the epidural yet because I was scared it would slow the process of labor down. Come to find out that is not
True and I ended up getting my epidural right then. Well, then they decided to start pitocin. Luke did not respond well to pitocin at all. His heart rate kept dropping really low to the 50’s and 80’s. Which his heart rate is normally 145-160. So they made me get on my right side. Weeeelllll here comes a problem. Epidurals work by gravity, you have to lay flat on your back for it to work right. So, anyways I only felt my epidural in the right side of my body. I could completely feel everything that was happening to the left. I noticed a couple hours later when my contractions got unbearable again on only the right side of my body. So they decided to give me more medicine in my epidural. I got four doses of epidural  and it didn’t work at all. At this time Luke’s heart rate was going way to high and it was 200. So they told us to go ahead and start pushing. As we were pushing he was barely moving/ not moving. After pushing for an hour  and Luke’s heart beat dropped really low and the nurses were about to take me to get a c section. My doctor came in and said he was going to help me deliver without a csection. So he used forceps and that was the most painful pains I have ever been through. Doctor said he was in a lot of stress. His head got stuck in between my pelvis bone