Announced to parents for Christmas

A 👼🏻10/09/17👼🏻01/01/18👼🏻12/27/2018

My husband and I found out that our daughter (18 weeks) had no heartbeat on October 9, 2017. Since around mid-November, we have been trying to conceive again. I found out last Saturday (12/16), that I was pregnant again, and have tested positive every day since. Over the last week, my husband and I brainstormed how and when to tell our parents, who have been hugely supportive since I miscarried Maggie. We decided that instead of waiting until it was “safe”, which we did last time and it didn’t make a bit of difference, we would tell our parents, siblings, and closest friends asap, and we would all be happy and love and cherish this baby for as long as we are blessed to have him/her/them. If anything goes wrong, the people we decided to tell would be the same ones we would turn to for support.

So, anyway, hubby and I printed out a picture of one of my positive tests with the words “After every storm comes a rainbow of hope”, framed it, and gave it to them as one of their Christmas gifts. Here is the photo that we gave to them.