Merry Christmas!


So, hubby and I started trying in September for our second (living) baby. I have had a miscarriage and a rainbow born last April. We knew we wanted our babies close together so we thought if we started trying when she was 5.5 months, it would give us some buffer if it didn’t happen immediately.

We used preseed daily during my fertile window, I was on prenatals and we had sex daily during my fertile window as well. I also tracked my cervical mucus and took OPKs.

I had my period in September, October and November. Each month I was convinced that i would be pregnant. Nope. This month I was out of town for work during my fertile window. I came home the day I was expecting to ovulate. (I didn’t test this month because I knew i was going to be out of town). We had sex the one night.

Two week wait passed by quickly for me. I was super busy and with the upcoming holidays, I didn’t think about it, much. I started to have some symptoms but I didn’t think much of it because I was expecting the sore boobs from my first two pregnancies. Never happened. My period date came and went, so I tested. BFN. I was like “Uhm...okay...” so like any normal woman, I bought two more boxes of tests. ALL NEGATIVE over the next 5 days. I was ready to go see my OB and demand to know what was going on in my lady business.

So today I was ranting to my sister about how my period was 11 days late but I have been getting all negative tests. I was saying how I needed to get in to my OB. I had one test left, so when I got home I decided to take it. I cleaned my bathroom while i was waiting, totally expecting another negative, so when I glanced at it I was in shock.

I guess I’m having another baby! Merry Christmas to me!!! I can’t wait to tell my hubby! I’m going to try and do a fancy reveal for him because I just blurted it out with the first two! ❤️❤️❤️❤️