Labor from stress

Did you go into labor early form stress and did you have any early signs it was going to happen? This past week has been the WORST week of my entire life. We only had electricity in half our house for a few days and then thankfully that got fixed but then our furnace whit working and has been out for a week. We live in Minnesota and it has been -10 and now tonight the fucking pipes froze. We got the pipes thawed only to find that one either burst or got unattached and water is pouring out under our house (mobile home) my due date is a month from today and the past few hours I've had a god awful migraine, an increase in discharge, bad lower back pains, and nausea. I also had a a few painful contractions earlier that were only about 45 seconds but 2 minutes apart I had about 6 of them in a row and then they stopped so I was thinking Braxton hicks? Not sure if I shouldd be concerned about all this.