Need help


I tested positive last weekend December 16th with 3 home pregnancy tests.So all my apps say I was 5 weeks 6 days yesterday. I started spotting red blood yesterday afternoon and went to the emergency room. They did an ultrasound and didint see anything. They checked my hcg levels and told me they were in the 200s and if I was truly 5 weeks then it would be in the 2500. The doctor was confused he said I could of had a miscarriage before and my body is finishing it however I didint have any severe cramps or bleeding and my last period was November 14th. He also said or I could be wrong with my dates and I’m super early pregnant like 3 or 4 weeks. He told me to follow up with me obgyn to do a blood test again to see if my levels are going up or down. So after I left and went home I was still bleeding and I’m still bleeding today. Like a period no huge clots or severe cramps. I’m so confused. Has this happened to anyone and they were just super early? He told me bleeding in the first trimester is normal so if my levels are going up then I am pregnant but if they are going down then we know I’m not. I also took another at home pregnancy test because I’m thinking ok if my levels are so low it shouldn’t come up but sure enough there were the 2 pink lines. Can someone help me?