Just Another Birth Story?


I was scheduled for an induction December 20 at 39+3 at 6 am. This was my second pregnancy and I went into labor naturally with my first so I wasn't sure what to expect. My EDD was Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and I was explaining to my doctor I didn't want to spend Christmas in the hospital with a two year old so she stripped my membranes and scheduled to induce for the next morning.

After cramping ALL day and trying to get last minute things ready 11 pm rolled around and I was having steady contractions 10-15 minutes apart. I still wanted to get some kind of shut eye so we went to bed. As soon as I layed down it was like my contractions stopped.

At 2:30 am I woke up thinking I was seriously peeing all over myself. My water broke with my first and this felt nothing like that. I got myself cleaned up and layed back down for a minute to see if I had a big gush when I sat up. after about 10 minutes I sat up and nothing!! At this point I'm just embarrassed so I stand up to put clothes on and there it was! my big gush!

After battling my two year old and my hubby getting sick from the nerves, we finally got to the hospital at 4 am and I was hooked up to monitors. The nurse was unsure if my water broke because I wasn't "leaking" like normal. Turned out my water broke at the top of the sack instead of the bottom. The doctor came to check me at 9 and I was a three and he said my water had broke on the bottom on its own.

After that cervical check my co tractions really got stronger and I was in tears. So I got the epidural and all of my problems went away! At this point I'm so tired I've decided to take a nap. I was only a 3 when I received my epidural so I got time right?! LOL

less than 40 minutes later my nurse came in to check me and put my catheter in. To everyone's surprise I was at an 8!! They started prepping tables and getting my bed ready.

I knew I had too much medicine because I couldn't feel anything!! My nurse had to put my legs in the stirrups and tell me when I was having contractions!

We get to pushing and I'm unsure of what I'm doing. I had to keep asking if I was doing it right because I couldn't tell if I was pushing or doing kegals! After pushing for 5 minutes the doctor came in. I pushed once for Three seconds and his head was out! Two more 3 second pushes and he was here! The doctor place him directly on my chest for skin to skin for an hour!! I didn't get to do this with my first so it was definitely an experience!

Jason Albert


11:49 am

8 lb 4 oz

21.5 inches long

After battling jaundice and discovering a heart murmur we were finally discharged on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> with a healthy baby boy! We truly are blessed and our hearts couldn't be more full!