Baby being small? UPDATE!!!


So on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> I had to go to the emergency room because I started to bleed really bad not enough to fill a pad but I had no cramps, but they did an ultra sound and according to the app I am 7 weeks by when they were looking at the baby it was really tiny! And they said either the baby died and stopped growing or I ovulated late and just not as far along as they think I am.. they couldn’t hear the hear beat but there was a little baby in there and, you could see some flickering but they said it’s a possible miscarriage? But what if they baby is still okay? And dates are just wrong? Has this happened to anyone? Or am I just in denial? 😔😔

So I had to go in for an ultra sound free doing blood work to see if my numbers were still going up, and they were so they decided to do an ultra sound! I have had a lot of bleeding and scares but turns out I hemorrhage and some blood is still coming out! Doesn’t harm baby and baby is cooking just fine! My words of advice don’t get so stressed when you see blood! 7 weeks ❤️❤️❤️❤️ heart rate 150!!!